Terms And Conditions

We take utmost care of the data collected from our website's visitors . We use services from various 3rd party software-providers , and the extent of customers' data protection depends on the data protection policies of the 3rd party vendors . Apart fom the clearly mentioned privacy policy of the website ,we don't have any other terms and conditions to apply . Our company will not be responsible for damages arising from the use of our services. Use of our website may come with risk; however that possibility is very rare. Utilizing our intellectual property without permission or a license is a violation and is actionable under law. If a consumer does this, we reserve the right to pursue an infringement claim and terminate that user’s access to the services we provide. Termination clause : We reserve the right to administer modify the Terms & Conditions at any time without giving prior notice. Users are invited to contact us if they require simplification of the conditions we have in our agreement. The fact that a user visits this page and reads this description is considered as acceptance of the user of the terms and conditions.

Return , Refund And cancellation Policy

Products once sold are not taken back . Once a purchase order is placed in our portal , there is no option for cancellation or refund . However , warranty of products is applicable , & in an unlikely event of malfunction of any of our products under warranty period , we'll definitely repair/replace the same without any additional cost to customers . Beyond warranty period , standard charges for servicing of products are applicable . If any amount is deducted from a user but the order is not placed , we'll give complete refund of the money through the original mode of payment.

Shipping Policy

Once a purchase order is placed , we'll convey the tentative dates for shipping & doorstep delivery to the customer . We'll definitely try our best to stick to the committed deadline . In an unlikely event of inadvertent delay , we'll communicate with the cusotmer .

For delivery of any product anywhere in India , maximum 10 days may be required . Minimum number of days is 1 , since we have options for same-day delivery for some of the products.